  1. Boho Lifestyle Hotel Walisgaden
  2. Hotel
  3. Bohostyle - Lifestyle - Interior Style

Your lifestyle hotel on Top of the Bregenzerwald.

The boho hotel in Austria.

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Boho vibes at 1,700 metres.

Do you know what the Bregenz Forest and Indonesia have in common? Walisgaden. Because the boho vibes that ensure casual chic at the lofty heights of 1,700 metres above sea level in Walisgaden originate almost from the other side of the world. And from the beginning of a new lifestyle. Because boho is more than just interior design. Boho stands for freedom, diversity and a free-spirited life.

Our boho style here in Walisgaden is characterised by light-heartedness and a connection with nature. There are also plenty of mountain vibes. We have gathered design inspiration from our many travels. Boho thrives on contradictions - and on a successful mix of materials, colours and patterns, but also on a combination of old and new. Just as it suits Walisgaden - just as Walisgaden is.